Consultant Roundtable Part 2

Consultant Roundtable Part 2

This week on the show we have the second half of the Consultant Roundtable, featuring Consultants Riall Johnson of Prism Consulting, Michael Charles of Upper Left Strategies, and Heather Weiner discussing the results of the primary elections, and what we can expect from the general election in November. Discussion points include the Kathy Lambert’s risks in the King County Council race, the upset in the City Attorney’s race, the possibility of having abolitionists both on the Seattle City Council and in the City Attorney’s office, the low hanging fruit that is Senator Reuven Carlyle, the frequent mischaracterization of Seattle voters as being far more conservative than they actually are, and the fact that real live Republicans exist in King County.

About the Guests

Find Michael Charles on Twitter/X at @mikeychuck, Heather Weiner at @hlweiner, and Riall Johnson at @RiallJohnson.