Week in Review: September 10, 2021 - Mike McGinn

Today on the show, Executive Director of America Walks and former mayor of Seattle, Mike McGinn joins Crystal to discuss new Covid-19 vaccine mandates, planned walkouts by some workers in Seattle fizzling, rising gun violence and the conspicuous lack of analysis by the media and the mayor’s office, the knee-jerk desire for police presence when crime rises (in spite of it being ineffective), and the integration of Compassion Seattle into a certain mayoral campaign now that it’s off the November ballot.
About the Guest
Mike McGinn is former Seattle mayor and current Executive Director of America Walks.
Find Mike McGinn on Twitter/X at @mayormcginn.
"State employees union announces agreement with Inslee over vaccine mandate" by Joseph O'Sullivan from The News Tribune
“Biden Lays Out Plan To Mandate Vaccines Or Testing For Millions Of Workers” by Alana Wise and Tamara Keith from NPR
“‘Every hospital is quite full’ in Washington as delta variant of coronavirus spreads” by Elise Takahama from The Seattle Times
“‘Don’t have a clue’: It turns out Washington state set a murder record in 2020, but no one knows why” by Danny Westneat from The Seattle Times
“Sickout at Seattle City Light over COVID-19 vaccine mandate doesn’t materialize” by Daniel Beekman from The Seattle Times
“Unions warn of ‘mass exodus’ over city of Seattle vaccine mandate” by David Kroman from Crosscut
“Seattle’s arrest alternative, LEAD, moves beyond police” by David Kroman from Crosscut
“‘Compassion Seattle’ Is Dead. Now What?” by Katie Wilson from PubliCola
“Harrell Says He’ll Implement Key Provisions of ‘Compassion Seattle’ Measure, Clear Encampments” by Erica C. Barnett from PubliCola
"Durkan Won’t Sign Crowd Control Weapons Bill, Raises Specter of Court Challenge" by Paul Kiefer from PubliCola
"Harrell Ducks Police Accountability Forum, Burgess Rides In to Attack González" by Doug Trumm from The Urbanist